Wrapping Up A Good Lesson...
As term two came to a close, I found I'd bitten off a heck of a lot more than I could chew! The down side was that I didn't get a chance to finish this one. The bright side was that, even still, there was a lot I'd learned from the experience. What I have here, is a snippet of the shot showing the character as I started to try to refine him, and the little ball with the tail on it, even going so far as to rough in the later ball actions in something called a "grease pencil tool" that allows you to draw two demensionally in MAYA. It's really cool, and gave me a chance to work out some of the timing and action. And actually, if the length of this had been the entire length of the piece, I probably would have been fine, but the whole thing was better than twice this length, and just killed me. Especially since I was doing a lot of things over, had chosen some methods that were more time consuming because I didn't know any better and generally, was working harder, not smarter. Oh, the life of a student.
Click the top image for the pencil test, click the bottom version for the "final" piece I turned in.
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