Sean Graham's Animation Mental Blog

Friday, November 11, 2005

Makin' Stewie Earn His Keep

Yay! the first assignment is behind us, and no time to waste, on to the next challenge! We have this Stewie guy, a box and we need to have Stewie push the heavy box up an incline. Now that I've moved Stewie around and got him to do a character walk, I'm feeling pretty comfortable with him. But now he has to actually interact with another object. Eek! Wha-- how-- oy. Deep sigh, and off we go. Got to learn a few tricks, like parenting the hands of Stewie to the box so that I can use the inverse kinematic controls and the hands will remain firmly planted on the box. Nice trick. Also, I decided in my ultimate wisodom to add a few moments of acting to the beginning. Kind of a "What? You want me to move THIS thing?!"

So, anywho, blocking, first pass. Have a look...

Click on the image to the right to see the animation.


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