Sean Graham's Animation Mental Blog

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Week 3 Early Bounce Test

Update - July 6, 05

Feedback: Wow. And I thought I'd done a good job. Thanks to all who contributed, I realized I have a lot of work to do. First off, I should just start over. No, that's fine. I actually did this version to get an early idea about where to go from here, so that's good. Some things to keep in mind, however:

  1. I need to dump the sns 'til I've nailed the bounce.
  2. Since we're animating a basketball, litle or no sns will return.
  3. A basketball (well-inflated) will have much less energy loss than I've given this ball, so the height of the bounces will be higher and more numerous.
  4. Make a technically space version. I need to play with the spacing to determine if I think the spacing distribution on the upward movement should be equal to that of the downward movement, or if that makes it too mechanical.
  5. Make a Richard Williams inspired rigid bounce version.

Ok, I'm off!

Original post:

So here's an early flash-based test, it's half-size to fit this frame (320 x 240) but I think it works to convey what I'm after. I have the ball entering from the left and it's supposed to have a minimal amount of squash and stretch and resolve after the bounce with a little back-spin. What do you think?

Note: To see a larger version, click on this link.


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